(330) 725-4968       Our School

Aye, th’ Parish Halloween Parrrty be set fer Saturday, Oct. 11!

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Posterrrrr_smallAvast, me hearties!  Children, families, grandparents, seniors — all are welcome to our annual parish Halloween Parrrty, on Saturday, Oct. 11. The event will run from 3 to 4:30 p.m., with pirate-themed games, music, dancing, and of course, trick or treating!

The entire event will take place inside the Xavier Room, just inside the school (PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION!). Those wishing to hand out candy should be prepared for 100+ children and can bring a chair to sit around the perimeter of the gym floor. What a great opportunity for children to wear their costumes and have fun, and for adults to get to see the little ones (of all ages!) dressed in their Halloween glory!

We are always looking for help to run the games, too. Do older children or teens need service hours? Would members of our Seniors Club like to partner with a Girl Scout to lend a hand?  If so, please contact Jennifer Webb at 330-764-8946 or [email protected].


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