Mike Sweet, Spiritual Direction
Mike Sweet, a parishioner since 1990 who has completed a master’s level Ignatian Spirituality Institute program at John Carroll University, is certified and available to provide spiritual direction.
Mike, who is married to Susan and the father of an adult son, Matthew, has been active in our parish since before he became Catholic in 2001. He and Susan were married here by Fr. Mark Hollis, our former pastor. Mike has lived in Medina most of his life.
He has been involved as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, reader, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 506, and cantor. For the last seven years, he has partnered with Brian Lombardi to present the Spirituality Program for Adults, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits.
Mike was introduced to Ignatian spirituality through an eight-week program at Walsh Jesuit High School, and he dove deeper in a 30-week retreat, the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
“It’s a spirituality that really helps the individual develop a closer relationship with God,” he explains. “It’s always going back to God. It’s not counseling; it’s more about being a companion with that individual on their spiritual journey and being there for them, guiding them. Being a spiritual mentor.”
Most directees meet with a spiritual director once a month. Mike meets with directees in one of our parish offices. Whereas meetings with a priest might include the sacrament of Reconciliation, Mike says his conversations will help directees look for God in a given situation, and help them develop their personal relationship with Jesus.
Mike says it makes him happy to help people develop a relationship with God. “People get so busy with their lives that eventually God is not the priority anymore,” he says. “Spending some time with a spiritual director allows them to come face to face with that and see the need to give God time every day of their lives. It allows them to re-center their life on God.”
To contact Mike, call 330-764-8960.