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Participate in Mass online from St. Francis Xavier

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We know in this time of crisis you want to “attend” Mass at your home parish. And we so wish that you could! We’re pleased to offer you daily Mass recorded and posted here each day so we can pray together even if we can’t all be together. Click here to...

Ohio bishops suspend public Masses in all dioceses

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Effective immediately, the bishops of all Ohio dioceses have suspended all public Masses and liturgies at least through May 29 in consideration of the grave health risk involved in public gatherings. This decision is effective Monday, March 16, and going forward for the time...

Pope Francis’ prayer for the world during the coronavirus crisis

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Pope Francis has asked the Virgin Mary to watch over the world in this current moment of crisis. An English-language translation of the Pope’s prayer is below: O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope.We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the...

Temporary parish procedures in light of coronavirus

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Dear parishioners, By now, you’re probably weary of receiving notifications of this and that being closed due to the virus restrictions. I am too. However, we need to inform you of some changes here at St. Francis Xavier that will, or may, impact you. First, all Masses and...

Diocese announces restrictions to parish, school activities

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Today, March 12, 2020, Gov. Mike DeWine issued an executive order regarding the avoidance of large mass gatherings to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in Ohio. Even though religious gatherings are expressly excluded in the order, the Catholic bishops of Ohio — out of...

Updated temporary guidelines for parish liturgies this season

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Dear parishioners, Now that cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) have surfaced in Ohio – not yet in Medina County, thankfully, but I’m sure that will come – the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland is advising that we make some temporary changes to the way we celebrate...

Staying healthy and keeping others safe from viruses this spring

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Dear Parishioners, As cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) appear to be spreading nationally, I want you to know we are taking steps to better prepare St. Francis Xavier Church and School in the event it surfaces locally. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

It’s Stewardship Commitment Renewal Weekend! Let’s Journey Together

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We are grateful for all of you who so willingly share your time, talent and treasure with our parish and community to build God’s Kingdom here and now. Stewardship renewal is an annual occurrence — part of the rhythm of parish life at all parishes, including St. Francis...

Are you up for the Activated Disciple Lenten Challenge?

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THIS LENT! The Activated Disciple Lenten Challenge will move your faith to the next level! As Catholics, we practice our faith, and we strive to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. But we often find that we’re not fully living out the bold, abundant, Christ-like life we’re...

Ministry leaders invited to 2020 stewardship dinner

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Our 2020 stewardship commitment season is fast approaching! Make plans now to join us for our annual Ministry Leaders Dinner on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Xavier Room. As a key part of our parish leadership, your presence is critical to learning how to carry out Fr....