Our Day of Service is next week!
Join us for the 8th annual Parish Day of Service, and spend a few hours doing something to help our neighbors in need. We’ve lined up hundreds of opportunities for you to rake leaves, pull weeds, paint an awning, play bingo with senior citizens, show off your mad piano skills, make a fleece blanket and more — all right here in Medina.
On Saturday, Oct. 22, St. Francis Xavier parishioners will spread out throughout Medina to perform acts of service as the hands and feet of Christ in our community. Check out the link below to see brief descriptions of the activities, and choose how you would like to give back this day.
Choose a job to tackle as a family, group of friends, ministry or renewal team, or scout troop! Or, it’s a great way to make new friends in our parish! What gifts has God blessed you with that might be used in service this day?
Here are just a few examples of the work that is waiting for us!
- Play bingo at Brookdale South, Samaritan Villa, Samaritan Care or Medina Meadows nursing homes.
- Pull weeds for an elderly homeowner.
- Donate household items for women leaving the Battered Women’s Shelter to start a new life.
- Paint a front-porch awning for a widow.
- Rake leaves and trim shrubs for elderly or disabled Medina residents.
- Pray outside Oasis of Hope for the needs of its clients.
- Paint fingernails for residents at Brookdale South.
- Clean the tack room shelves, grooming tools, saddles, paddock cleanup, Stacking hay at a parishioner-owned therapeutic horseback riding center for special needs children and young adults.
- Clean the gutter or wash first-floor windows for older parishioners with disabilities.
Sign up by Oct. 8 to receive a free yellow Day of Service T-shirt. (Let’s be good stewards: if you’ve participated before, please wear your shirt from a previous year if possible.) We begin the day with prayer in the church basement, then head out to do our jobs. All are invited back for 5 p.m. Mass (wearing your shirts!) and we will celebrate with a simple pizza supper in the church basement – where we can watch a video of your pictures from the day and swap stories. It truly is a great day for our parish as we reach out and participate in something bigger than ourselves, and bring Christ and a smile to our neighbors.
Questions? Please contact Jennifer Webb at jwebb@sfxmedina.org or 330-764-8946.