To reach the ministers who manage these ministries, please contact the parish office at 330-725-4968.
Building and Grounds
Members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee share expertise in all aspects of care for the physical plant at St. Francis Xavier Parish. Individuals from a variety of backgrounds, including construction, skilled trades, maintenance, landscaping and engineering meet regularly and as needed to assess, plan and execute projects in targeted areas.
Ministers needed to: assist with projects or provide expert opinion
Time required: varies with each project and your availability.
Marty Tusim
New Parishioner Welcome Ministry
The New Parishioner Welcome Ministry offers a warm welcome to those folks beginning the process of joining our parish. We offer quarterly opportunities to learn more about St. Francis Xavier, tour the facility, ask questions and meet existing parishioners who can talk about their love for our parish! The ministry team members work closely with parish staff to accommodate the needs of incoming parishioners. WELCOME is at the heart of this ministry!
Ministers needed to: greet new people, answer questions, provide tours
Time required: Ministers are asked to help as needed and available.
Youth opportunity: Youth are welcome and encouraged to join this ministry.
Jennifer Webb
Office Volunteers
Volunteers will be called in as needed to assist with special mailings.
Ministers needed to: fold, stuff, collate, label or otherwise help with mailings
Time required: a couple of hours, perhaps a few times a year, as needed and available
Lori Hrnchar: 330-725-4968
Parish Gardens
Do you have a green thumb, or enjoy working in the dirt? Join our group of gardening enthusiasts to plant, weed, water and beautify the church grounds.
Ministers needed to: plant, weed, water
Time required: varies by season and location
Youth opportunity: Youth are welcome to join this ministry.
Pat Neuendorff