Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Director: Summer Kish, 330-764-8961,
Preschool and Elementary Helpers
Sunday morning preschool (during 10 a.m. Mass) and elementary programs (Monday afternoons and Wednesday evenings) utilize adults and young adults (in grades 9 through 12) who would like to assist in classrooms. An orientation program and guidance is given to help you understand and carry out this wonderful ministry.
Preschool Catechists
Adult and young adult catechists provide preschool students, ages 3 to 5, spiritual growth and beginning experiences of formal religious education. Classes are on Sunday mornings in the school during the 10 a.m. Mass from fall through spring. Instructions and help, plus texts and materials, are given to assist those who are willing to share their time, talents and love of Jesus. (This ministry is on hold until fall 2022.)
Elementary Catechists
The formal religious education program for students attending public schools or home school is offered on Monday afternoons from 4:45 to 6 p.m. and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7:15 p.m., fall through spring. Catechists are given training and assistance as they lead our youth in grades 1-5 in a formal setting of religious education. Text and materials are used to help catechists share their faith and time with our young people. Staff meetings with directives are provided each year.
The Edge Facilitators
The Edge, for students in grades six, seven and eight, takes place in a classroom setting on Wednesday evenings, 6 to 7:15 p.m., from fall through spring. Our eighth-graders also have the option of attending Life Teen on Sunday nights instead. Our facilitators receive training and materials to assist them in bringing a different style of sharing and experiencing faith and Church to our students. We need adults as well as juniors and seniors in high school each week to bring these students more experiences of their faith.
Camp 4:12
This is a week-long experience of service and fun offered for students who have completed grades 6, 7 and 8. The program for our youth is designed to give service to others in different areas of social justice. Students may be in the parish day, public or home school setting to be involved. We need high school juniors and seniors to be counselors as well as parents/adults who are able to drive the students to their service locations.
Vacation Bible School
This is a Catholic, Bible-based program for children in our parish age 4 through grade five. We have a different theme each year. This summer program is an exciting adventure and enables youth to experience the Scriptures through instructions and different activities. High school students and adults are needed. There are many areas of need: craft helpers, music, playground, snack, set up, scenery design, etc. We will meet in the spring to begin planning this year’s program. It takes many hands to make this a great experience for our parish youth.
Life Teen
Youth Minister: Dawn Cavanaugh, 330-764-8958,
St. Francis Xavier Life Teen is a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church. SFX Life Teen’s goal is to lead teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, SFX Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.
We achieve this mission through weekly Life Nights, a fall retreat led by the Core Team, a Peer-to-Peer Spring Retreat, service opportunities and XLT nights. We also offer weekly social nights, and, when there is interest, Theology Thursdays, where the teens can dig deeper into certain topics such as Apologetics, Heaven and Hell, Spiritual Warfare and other questions they have about their Catholic faith.
What is a Life Night?
Life Nights are teaching moments that bring to life our Catholic Faith and relevant issues for teens.
There are 4 basic types of Life Nights:
- Catechetical
- Issue
- Social
Life Teen Parents
This is a ministry for all parents of high school students assisting in the following programs. By your help and involvement you are showing your teen and their friends your interest, care and love for them.
Life Teen Refreshments and Core Support
Refreshments are provided at each Life Teen night.
Ministers needed to: plan, organize and set up for refreshments.
Time required: This commitment, which includes clean up, requires only 45 minutes to one hour of time on a given Sunday night.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School
Principal: Mrs. Danene Beal, 330-725-3345,
St. Francis Xavier School is a comprehensive private school centered around the Roman Catholic faith. In keeping with the directives of the Bishops of the United States, St. Francis Xavier School, a living Faith Community, reaches out to the individual, extending the message of the Gospel. Students have the opportunity to thrive in well-equipped classrooms, being instructed by teachers who are licensed by the State of Ohio. Our curriculum meets Diocesan as well as State standards based on the best practices. St. Francis Xavier School was named the 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the United States Department of Education.
St. Francis Xavier School, which consists of 420 students in grades Preschool-Grade 8, provides enrichment opportunities through extracurricular activities and places an emphasis on service education. Differentiation is based on student needs and we provide a positive, safe learning environment to promote faith formation and spiritual, nurtured growth. We recite our school mission statement daily as a school community.
“St. Francis Xavier School, on a journey together with family, church, and community, provides a quality Catholic education focused on faith, academics, and service to influence an ever-changing world.”
For more information about our school, visit
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
The St. Francis Xavier PTA helps provide support for continued quality Catholic education. Membership includes all parents or guardians of any child who is attending St. Francis Xavier School. Meetings are held every other month during the school year.
Ministers needed to: Become involved with committees that serve our school and promote Catholic education.
Time required: Varies
School Playground/Lunch Aide
Volunteers for this ministry provide a safe, clean environment in which the children of St. Francis Xavier School can eat and play. Volunteers arrive at 11:45 a.m. and are done by 1:20 p.m. on their days of service. A volunteer can choose any day and frequency to help.
Ministers needed to: assist children with opening packages, cleaning spills, wiping tables, and supervising the children on the playground.
Time required: 2 hours, as often as you wish
School Office, 330-725-3345