To reach the ministers who manage these ministries, please contact the parish office at 330-725-4968.
Employment Network Group
The Employment Network Group is a network of individuals from St. Francis Xavier Parish and the community who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge, skills and, where able, contacts with those in career transition seeking employment opportunities. We also offer prayerful support for their search.
Ministers needed to: serve as mentors or contacts for job seekers
Time required: Varies; we meet twice monthly
Jim Mayiras
Dan Cathcart
Giving Tree
The Giving Tree program is active during the Advent season. Parishioners have an opportunity to help people with financial need in our community by providing them with Christmas gifts. Parishioners are asked to take cards with suggested requests and return the purchased, wrapped gifts, placing them under the evergreen “Giving Tree” located in the sanctuary. Volunteer drivers will then deliver the gifts by agency deadlines before Christmas. Please watch the bulletin for dates and times.
Ministers needed to: Hang gift tags
Time required: Varies, but 1-2 hours on a day before Christmas
Youth opportunity: Hang gift tags, donate gifts
Chalee Fronk
Vicky Liatti
Hospice Ministry
The St. Francis Xavier Parish Hospice Ministry serves Catholic patients and their families at the Hospice of Medina County Inpatient Care Center on Windfall Road. We visit the patients at the care center to offer prayer and Eucharist. The time commitment for our volunteers is between one and two hours per week, two times per month. Training is provided. This ministry has a waiting list for volunteers.
Ministers needed to: visit and bring the Eucharist
Time required: 1-2 hours/week, twice a month
Diane Kagel
Jail Ministry
Begun in 1998, the ministry includes members of Our Lady Help of Christians, Holy Martyrs, St. Francis Xavier and Sacred Heart parishes. Volunteers are God’s instruments, listening, demonstrating concern for each inmate, and verifying God’s never-ending loves for us. Alternating teams visit the Medina County Jail on Tuesday nights, where they hold prayer, scripture and Blessed Sacrament services which sometimes include music (if a musician volunteers). The ministry assists in preparing inmates for their GED (General Equivalency Degree). Jail officials require ministers to undergo a federal background check, fingerprinting, and to take 16 hours of training before they begin, plus four more hours of training each year.
Ministers needed to: Join a team to lead prayer services with inmates
Time required: Several hours one night a month after 16 hours of training, plus four hours of continuing education training each year
Rob Musial
Operation HOMES
Operation HOMES consists of 8 churches of all denominations and community groups working together on a rotating basis to provide food, shelter and friendship for the homeless in our county.
Each church is responsible for providing the homeless with safe shelter and meals in a compassionate and friendly environment so they might regain self-esteem, pursue employment and educational opportunities and become self-sufficient. This ministry has a great need for overnight hosts.
Ministers needed to: Provide breakfast and lunch items, and dinner, or serve as hosts
Time required: As of February 2022, guests were provided rooms at the Super 8 motel. Each church is responsible as hosts six times a year. We try to have 2 teams of 7 for the food, so that each team only provides 3 times a year. There’s always a need for people to stay the night, especially married couples. Volunteers are needed to help with cleaning and laundry at the end of our week. Chaperones/hosts stay overnight from 9 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Youth opportunity: Youth are welcome to accompany their parents as hosts.
Donna Bica
Parish Day of Service
The St. Francis Xavier Parish Day of Service is the perfect opportunity to spend a few hours in service here in our community! Volunteer with your family or gather a group of friends, or meet new ones while you work together. A committee of volunteers seeks out ministry opportunities right here in Medina County, and signup begins 4-6 weeks before the service day. The 10th annual Parish Day of Service will be Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. Some jobs take a few hours, some will take longer; some will require some skill, but most can be done with children. Opportunities often include making no-sew blankets for Birthcare in our Xavier Room, spring yard cleanups, small painting jobs, and playing your instrument or participating in a singalong/rootbeer float at area nursing homes. Join us to help plan, or sign up to help somewhere that day.
Ministers needed to: Work at various locations in our community
Time required: Time slots will vary from an hour to several hours, concluding with 5 p.m. Mass and dinner in our church basement.
Youth opportunity: Youth are invited to help serve at various locations, to create the promotional videos, and to help serve the meal that follows.
Jennifer Webb: 330-764-8946
Rosary Leaders at Nursing Homes
Come join us as we pray the rosary with residents of our local nursing and assisted living homes. Individuals involved in this ministry have a great amount of flexibility choosing the day and time. Substitute leaders are always needed and very much appreciated.
Ministers needed to: lead the rosary with residents. Families and small children welcome!
Time required: 45 minutes to an hour once or twice a month
Youth opportunity: All ages make great rosary leaders! Children should be accompanied by an adult.
Parish office, 330-725-4968
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The St. Vincent de Paul Society helps members of our community when they need it most. Financial assistance and food are provided to our Medina neighbors who find themselves in emergency need. We provide that help while maintaining the confidentiality & dignity of those served. Preventing eviction, feeding the hungry and ensuring that utilities aren’t disconnected are the primary ways we share the love of Our Lord with our community.
For more information, please visit our website:
SVDP voicemail: 330-764-8952
Mike Geary