To reach the ministers who manage these ministries, please contact the parish office at 330-725-4968.
8 a.m. Rosary on weekdays
Immediately after the morning Mass, a leader begins to pray aloud, joined by the voices of others in the pews who have remained to pray to the Blessed Mother. On Wednesdays we say a rosary with meditations, and on Thursdays we say a community rosary, in which anyone present is invited to say a decade and offer it for his or her intention. Those who pray a daily rosary believe the way to Jesus is through Mary. When you give your first hour of the day to God, you’re prepared to take on the day and its challenges. New and younger prayer leaders are needed for this ministry.
Ministers needed to: pray and/or lead the rosary
Time required: 30 minutes
Youth opportunity: All ages are invited to participate
Margaret Wolfe
Avilas is a diocesan organization of people who hear the gentle command of Jesus:
“The harvest is good but laborers are scarce. Beg the harvest master to send out laborers to gather the harvest.” (Mt. 9:37-38)
On the second Thursday of each month, from 8 to 9 a.m., a holy hour with Eucharistic adoration is held in church to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and for the perseverance of those who have already consecrated their lives to God. We invite you to join us now and again, or on a regular basis.
Ministers needed to: Pray
Time required: One hour a month
Youth opportunity: All ages are invited to pray.
Diane Akers
Men’s and Women’s Renewal
Men’s and Women’s Renewal is designed to help men and women move closer to our Lord and renew the heart and soul through prayer, reflection, Reconciliation and faith witnesses. Through the leadership of spiritually strengthened individuals who have participated in past renewals, you will hear their stories and the ways in which renewal has deepened their faith. While personal renewal is the direct goal of a Welcome weekend, parish renewal is indeed the fruit of these rich faith experiences. Come and see!
- Women’s Renewal (Fall)
Adult women of all ages who belong to St. Francis Xavier Parish are invited on a one-day renewal experience. Women will experience prayer and Reconciliation, fellowship, appreciation, mounting trust, deepening faith and the opportunity to form new friendships. Grow in the safety of a Christian community with other women. The 2024 Women’s Renewal is Sept. 14.
Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl: 330-725-4968
- Men’s Renewal (Spring)
The St. Francis Xavier Men’s Renewal team invites men age 19 and older to a weekend retreat. Some of the topics addressed in past renewals have included lapsed faith, conversions, marital issues, dealing with deaths of loved ones, bad moral choices and times when the call of God was misunderstood or ignored. In today’s world, our Catholic faith is being tested like never before. If you want to strengthen your faith, we invite you to the next Men’s Renewal, March 4-5, 2023.
Deacon Bob Cavanaugh: 330-725-4968
Eucharistic Adoration
At St. Francis Xavier, we offer the opportunity to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament three times each month:
- First Friday – Nocturnal Adoration, on the First Friday of the month, from 7:30 p.m. until 7 a.m. Saturday. Adorers choose a one-hour slot, but may stay as long or as short as they wish. From 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m., adoration is silent. At most hours thereafter, the prayers are organized and scripted by the Nocturnal Adoration Society. Following the readings, the rosary is prayed, followed by prayers for the deceased and silent time for reflection. This time of adoration, which has taken place at our parish for many decades, concludes with benediction at 7 a.m. Saturday.
- Second Thursdays – Pray with members of the Avilas for all priests and religious, and the growth of vocations to ensure the future availability of the sacraments in our Church. The Eucharist is exposed in the monstrance immediately following 7:30 a.m. Mass, on the second Thursday of each month, until about 8:45 a.m. A rosary is prayed for vocations during this time.
- Third Wednesdays – A silent hour of adoration is offered from 6 to 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month.
Ministers needed to: worship the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Worshipers are especially needed during the early morning hours
Time required: 1 hour, once a month
Youth opportunity: Youth are welcome and encouraged to participate!
Eileen Williston
Adult Faith-Sharing Groups
Want more from life? This is a small-group experience to help you look at your daily life in light of our faith, shared with others. Groups of adult parishioners gather together to study Scripture and pray together. The groups meet weekly, with materials provided by Nancy Fiamingo, pastoral minister.
Ministers needed to: participate in and/or lead faith-sharing groups, with guidance
Time Required: about 2 hours a week. Some groups meet only during Lent.
Nancy Fiamingo, pastoral associate
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study group is open to all the men of the parish. We meet early on Saturday mornings at a local restaurant for fellowship, food and some time to discuss the readings for the upcoming weekend liturgy. There are no prerequisites, no homework, just bring your Bible and enjoy.
Ministers needed to: participate in Bible study and discussion
Time Required: 1-2 hours on Saturday mornings
Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl: 330-725-4968
Rediscovering Prayer
Rediscovering Prayer is a 6-week program based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. St. Ignatius wrote these exercises during his conversion experience in 1521-1523, and they are applicable today in our everyday living. The aim of the series is to assist people in hearing God’s voice in a new way, finding God’s will for their lives, and discovering the motivation and courage to follow that will. Each session begins at 7 p.m. in the church and includes small-group discussion and a presentation by Deacon Paul.
Ministers needed to: pray and reflect
Time Required: 1 hour/day plus one weekly meeting for 6 weeks
Mike Sweet: 330-618-1307
Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl
Women’s Bible Study
Several groups of women meet weekly at various times and locations to learn more about Sacred Scripture. The groups are self-directed and choose their own topics. They are offered support from parish staff. New groups may be formed when there is sufficient interest and a willing facilitator.
The benefits of attending are best summarized by the following witness: “The groups are more than a study of the Bible. They create friendships, deepen your faith, develop your prayer life and underscore what it means to be a Catholic woman.”
Ministers needed to: pray and reflect
Time Required: about 2 hours weekly, plus preparation
Nancy Fiamingo, pastoral associate
Young Adult Faith-Sharing Group
Join a dynamic group of young adults (women and men) ages 19 to 40 who gather first and third Wednesdays at 8 p.m. (after kids are in bed!) to read and discuss a book about our Catholic faith. Meetings are in the Life Teen side of the Randel House, or occasionally off site.
Justin Bryant
Exodus 90
Exodus is a lifestyle for men rooted in prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. We are a freedom band—our “why” is to be uncommonly free.
In the Exodus lifestyle, a fraternity of 6-8 men commits to a set structure of prayer and ascetic disciplines. These men are led by daily readings from the Scriptures, paired with daily reflections, to keep them on the road to freedom.
What we are doing is nothing new in the Church, we are reviving a traditional culture of fasting and feasting as we read the scriptures and pray about what we have read. We are helping men form authentic communities. At Exodus, we are committed to becoming who we are—uncommonly free sons of the heavenly Father.
Rich Amiot
Magnify 90
Magnify 90 is a journey for women into the desert of spirituality and asceticism. How do we detach from the worldly culture so that we can feel true freedom in being disciples of Jesus? Despite our various cultures and differing daily tasks, all women suffer temptations, of various degrees and forms. We are tempted by human approval and desire for attention; by comfort found in homes, clothes, and meals; by beauty’s vanity or physique; by our to-do lists for perfectionism within maintaining a home or career or both. We may also be tempted with despair, anxiety, and addictions to things that fill our body or mind, yet leave our soul empty.
Magnify 90 contains mortifications to bring these afflictions to the surface, and then meet them head on by surrendering control. And it’s all done in sisterhood. Let us link arms as desert sisters, and set the world ablaze with Christ’s Light by being the saints we were created to be!
Jenny Amiot