(330) 725-4968       Our School

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at St. Francis O’Xavier

Come and get your Irish on! The Knights of Columbus Post 4168 will sponsor this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Dance at St. Francis Xavier Parish on Saturday, March 22.

The event will include a full corned beef dinner (or chicken, if you prefer), beer and wine, and live music by Celtic Rush. Tickets are $50 per person. Additional tickets will be sold for a reverse raffle, sideboards, 50/50 and silent auction. Reverse raffle tickets are $30 each, with only 200 to be sold, for a chance to win $1,250. Proceeds benefit charities supported by the Knights of Columbus.

Join us for an evening of good food, great music, dancing, much laughter and a wee bit of Irish luck.

Doors open at 6 p.m., with dinner served at 7 p.m. The event will be held in the church basement social hall.

For tickets, contact Dan Cathcart (216-210-5670) or Ed Martin (330-350-1290), any Knight of Columbus, or inquire at the St. Francis Xavier Parish Office, 330-725-4968.

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