Learn to pray with Scripture
Do you know how to pray? Is your prayer life not as rich as you’d like it to be?
Jesus’ own disciples felt this way. They begged him to teach them how to pray. And, with them gathered together, he did just that (Luke 11: 1-4).
You are invited to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn a centuries-old style of prayer based on Scripture and practiced by many saints. In this six-week course taught by Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl and experienced lay parishioners, you’ll learn to hear familiar Gospel stories in a fresh way. You’ll have an opportunity to relate to others and learn about their prayer styles. And you’ll hear God speaking to you today, through these ancient Scriptures.
Sessions begin Tuesday, Aug. 23, at 7 p.m. in the Church. All materials are provided.
Questions? Contact Mike Sweet at sweetwaterpondservices@gmail.com.