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Stewardship Commitment process begins anew

After the Christmas season, the readings at Mass focus on Jesus’ call of His disciples. We hear how they drop their nets and follow him.

That’s one reason it seemed an ideal time for our Stewardship Commitment season. As baptized Christians, we are called to follow. God has given each of us unique gifts and talents — our natural abilities, our financial resources, the stuff we know how to do, the time we have available, our creative impulses, even our state in life (married, single, retired, active) — and asks us to deploy these things for some benefit to His kingdom. It’s up to us to discern how we are to do that.

If you attended Mass at St. Francis Xavier this past weekend, you would have seen our video with three parish families talking about the ways in which they share their time, talent and treasure as followers of Jesus. Thank you to the Chodaczek, Getz and Lower families for your willingness to be part of our video!

If you didn’t see it, or want to see it again, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/S99JKE9UI-s?si=QqHxrHVEYcukdWtG

Then, over the next two weeks, be praying and discerning how God is calling you to use your gifts here in our parish community. You can fill out a commitment card in the pews the weekend of Jan. 25-26, but we hope most people will fill out their card online HERE. (This will help reduce errors and expedite the process.)

The next step is for the stewardship committee members to collate the information and get it to the ministry leaders so they can contact you to answer any questions and invite you to try out their ministry. We look forward to seeing where God is leading you this year!

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