Virtus Requirements for All Parish/School Volunteers who Work with Children
In the ongoing attention and concern we have for the children in our care, the Diocese of Cleveland has issued the following guidelines for all volunteers who work with minors.
- VIRTUS TRAINING CERTIFICATION: To pre-register for a class, go to and click on “First-Time Registrant” in the left column to begin the registration process. Select “Cleveland, OH (Diocese)” as your organization. Create a username and password. Click “Continue” to fill in the remaining information. List “St. Francis Xavier, Medina” as your primary location. This is also the process of setting up your online account.
- BACKGROUND CHECK: Note: Fee $25.00 (you may submit your receipt to the parish office for reimbursement). After you have registered for your Virtus class and set up your Virtus account, you will be prompted to obtain a background check through Follow the prompts to enroll in Note:If their is no prompt to register at, please contact Lori Hrnchar at the parish office: 330-764-8951.
- ONLINE TRAINING BULLETINS: After you attend Virtus training, you will receive periodic email training updates. These brief articles are followed by one question with multiple choice answers, to verify that the content was understood. A record of your ongoing progress will be kept for diocesan records. All VIRTUS-trained personnel should be current with the online training bulletins.
Click here to view the in-service videos.
The videos provide updates and reminders as to the Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse and the Standards of Conduct for Ministry. In June 2016, Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon promulgated revised editions to these documents. TWO REQUIRED DOCUMENTS are to be read and signed after the In-Service videos are viewed.
1. Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse: Revised June 2016.
⇒ Print and sign this acknowledgment form (linked here).
2. Standards of Conduct for Ministry: Revised June 2016.
⇒ Print and sign this acknowledgment form (linked here).
Please return both documents to the parish office.
Thank you for your willingness to give of your time for the benefit of our young people.
I really appreciate your understanding and follow through with these matters.
Rev. Anthony Sejba
Updated January, 2019