Looking for a way to share your time and talent with the world? See below for some ways that God might be calling you to serve!
Vacation Bible School: Adults and teens are needed for the first week in June, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, as teachers, leaders and helpers.
Pulling Weeds: The St. Francis Xavier Garden Group needs volunteers to weed and keep the parish grounds glorious this summer. Call Pat at 330-461-2403 with questions.
PSR catechists: Teachers are needed for grades 1-8 for the 2022-2023 school year. This is a 1.5-hour/week commitment. There is one requirement: You must have JOY for Jesus!
Other ideas in the community
From time to time we hear about nonprofit agencies in Northeast Ohio that need volunteers. Click on the button at right for some ways to follow up with Feeding Medina County, the Akron Canton Food Bank, Drink Local. Drink Tap., and more.
Project MUNCH
Parishioners helped to start Project MUNCH (Medina United Neighbors Combating Hunger) in 1990, and today it is run from the Salvation Army building at 425 W Liberty St., Medina. A hot meal is provided every Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. to anyone who wants one, and at the same time Monday through Friday the last week of every month when food stamps might be running low. Geri Kilkenny is the program director. Volunteers are needed to prep food from 1 to 3:30 p.m., or to serve (great for kids!) from 3:45 to 6 p.m. This is a great way for young children to volunteer with parents, or children 13 and older may volunteer without parents. For Geri’s contact information, please contact Jennifer Webb at 330-764-8946 or jwebb@sfxmedina.com.
Parish Day of Service
Be part of a parishwide day devoted to service around Medina County! Our next Day of Service is Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023!