Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
School Volunteers
President: Tiffany Zielger tiffany.j.ziegler@gmail.com
Vice President: Annie Bailey aericksen23@yahoo.com
Secretary: Heather Siemienski HeatherS@Siemienski.info
Treasurer: Lindsay Misconish lmisconish@gmail.com
The St. Francis Xavier PTA helps provide support for continued quality Catholic education. Membership includes all parents/ guardians of any child, teachers and administration who attend St. Francis Xavier School.
Our Objectives
- Enhance Relationships: Sponsor programs to strengthen parent, teacher, and child relationships.
- Volunteer Engagement: Organize and encourage parent volunteer participation in school activities.
- Promote Growth: Support the spiritual, intellectual, and social growth of our members through stimulating programs.
- Fundraising: Raise funds to support various school needs and special events.
- Community Connection: Showcase the vitality and strength of Catholic education to our parish and community.
Programs, Events, and Fundraisers
The PTA organizes a variety of programs, events, and fundraisers throughout the year, including:
- Father/Daughter Dance: A special night for fathers and daughters to create lasting memories.
- Mother/Son Event: Unique activity designed for mothers and sons to bond.
- Teacher Tuesdays: Monthly teacher luncheons which are gestures of appreciation for our hardworking teachers.
- Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom: A morning to enjoy a morning treat with your loved ones.
- Box Tops for Education: Collecting box tops to raise funds for the school.
- Santa’s Workshop: A festive event where students can shop for holiday gifts.
- Catholic Schools Week: Celebrating the uniqueness of Catholic education with various activities.
- Teacher Appreciation Week: Honoring our teachers with special events and treats.
Join us in making a difference at St. Francis Xavier School! Your time, talents, and participation in PTA activities are greatly appreciated. Together, we can continue to create a supportive and vibrant school community for our children.
PTA Parent Meetings: PTA meetings are held once every other month. All meetings will be announced through our weekly emails. All meetings will begin at 7 p.m. in our Xavier Room unless noted.
5 Reasons to Participate in our PTA
President – The President shall preside at meetings of the PTC and of the Executive Board, be
responsible for agendas of such meetings, and shall recognize for the membership any guests in
attendance. He/she shall perform duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws or assigned
to him/her by the PTC or Executive Board; shall coordinate the work of the officers and
committees in order to promote the PTC objectives. The President shall confirm dates
concerning PTC meetings and activities with the Principal and with the Parish calendar.
Vice President – The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and shall perform the
duties of the President in his/her absence. The Vice President shall have the duty of planning
programs for the fall monthly meeting. The Vice President shall organize, print, and distribute
the St. Francis Xavier family directory, which shall remain confidential and shall not in any way
be used for solicitation of outside interest. The Vice President shall be responsible for
organizing and communicating the volunteer list.
Secretary – The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the Executive Board and monthly
meetings and if deemed necessary by the President, handle correspondence. The Secretary
shall take charge of materials prepared for the student information folder from the PTC to
school families throughout the school year.
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the PTC and shall keep accurate records of
receipts and expenditures and shall pay out funds authorized by the Executive Board. Persons
authorized to sign checks will be limited to the Church Pastor and the PTC Treasurer. The
The treasurer shall present a statement of account at every monthly meeting of the PTC. He/she
will also prepare a financial statement at the end of the term of office to be kept as a
permanent record. A copy of which will go to the Financial Officer of the church along with a
copy of the bank statements. All books shall be balanced and audited at the end of each year
by two PTC members appointed by the President. Following the audit, receipts are to be held
for 7 years before being discarded.
Ways and Means – The Ways and Means Officer shall oversee all fundraising activities and
recruit and support chairpersons for each fundraising event. He/she shall research new
fundraising programs and keep a record of fundraising results for future reference.
Procedures and Legislation – The Procedures and Legislation Officer shall provide PTC the
interpretations of the by-laws and oversee any amendments to be addressed to the PTC. This
officer is responsible for chairing the nominating committee. If St. Francis Xavier PTC is a
member of the Catholic Parent Teacher League, the Procedures and Legislation officer is to
represents the PTC at those meetings and communicate transactions accordingly. It is
suggested that the immediate Past President assume the Procedures and Legislation position.
Volunteers serve a very important role at St. Francis Xavier School. As a volunteer, you help to support educational programming and experiences for our students. We have several ways for you to volunteer at SFX.
Volunteers are required to complete a Virtus training, here are the volunteer Virtus requirements.
All employees and volunteers who have contact with students undergo thorough screening, including background checks through the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation & Identification (BCI&I). For complete information on screening policies, see the revised Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, section 1.2 (p. 3).
In an effort to respect our students’ privacy, we request all volunteers to limit their cell phone usage during their volunteer time. This will include all taking photos, texting, or calling our students’ parents/families. We thank you for understanding and the gift of your time.
Room Parent
Room Parents are responsible for coordinating items needed for classroom celebrations/field day/field trips with the teachers.
The Room Parents are responsible for contacting classroom parents, via telephone or letter, to request donations for the event. Please allow the parents ample time to send in the items requested. Snacks, drinks, games, paper products, and such.
When providing snacks, keep school policy in mind: check with the teacher for food allergies, it is important to provide a safe environment for all students. Room parents must contact parents who have a child with a food allergy.
In an effort to respect our students’ privacy, we request all volunteers to limit their cell phone usage during their volunteer time. This will include all taking of photos, texting, or calling our students’ parents/families. We thank you for understanding and the gift of your time.
Library Volunteer
Please contact Mrs. Erin Becker at ebecker@sfxmedina.org to sign up.
Lunchroom and Recess Volunteer
We are looking for volunteers that are able to commit to a certain day of the week for a month at a time. We are asking for 2 volunteers for lunch daily, and 2 volunteers for recess. If your schedule permits, we are also looking for substitute volunteers that we could call in case someone is unable to fulfill their spot.
Just a friendly reminder, if you volunteer for more than four hours per month, all of our volunteers NEED to be virtus trained. For more information on becoming trained, click here.
Example: If you choose Mondays in September you will be signing up for all Mondays in September.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to take “walk-ins” at this time. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Lunch and Recess Volunteers
If you would like to become a lunchroom/recess volunteer please contact our recess monitor at abailey@sfxmedina.org and specify which day of the week works for you and a month of preference. Lunch volunteer hours are from 11:40 a.m. -1:15 p.m. Lunch volunteers are to report directly to the lunchroom (church basement) to sign in. Recess volunteer hours are from 12:10 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Recess volunteers are to report directly to the gym parking lot to sign in. Once the official calendar comes out it will be sent out to all volunteers that have requested to help. We understand that your schedule may change. If this happens please contact our recess monitor by 9 a.m. on the day that you are scheduled to report your absence so that we can call a substitute volunteer.
With the help of volunteer parents, they strive to ensure that our children are able to eat and play in a safe and comfortable environment. However, if we do not have enough parent volunteers, our goals cannot be achieved, and it is our children who ultimately suffer.