If you attended Mass at St. Francis Xavier this past weekend, you would have seen our video with three parish families talking about the ways in which they share their time, talent and treasure as followers of Jesus. Thank you to the Chodaczek, Getz and Lower families for your willingness to be part of our video!If you didn't see it, or want to see it again, you can find it here: ... See MoreSee Less
Yes, it's January but we're looking ahead to spring! Our parish's CYO Spring Track program needs a coach for grades 1-4. The season opens March 29 and runs through May 17. Practices can begin Feb. 24.Meets are on Saturdays, and practices can be with the older kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Kim Tuchek for more information, ktuchek@sfxmedina.org.Visit our website, www.stfrancisxavierathletics.com, under the coaching tab, for requirements to become a coach for CYO. ... See MoreSee Less
Welcome to the St. Francis Xavier Athletic Association. Thank you for visiting our website. We are responsible for the athletic program at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Medina, Ohio. St. Francis Xavie...
After the Christmas season, the readings at Mass focus on Jesus’ call of His disciples. We hear how they drop their nets and follow him. That’s one reason it seemed an ideal time for our Stewardship Commitment season. As baptized Christians, we are called to... Continue Reading
Join us as the Medina County civic and church community comes together to celebrate and honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 20, at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 606 E. Washington St., Medina. (PLEASE NOTE THE NEW START TIME!)... Continue Reading
Please be advised that the Nocturnal Adoration of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has been CANCELED for Friday, Jan. 3, to Saturday, Jan. 4, due to the extremely hazardous weather conditions. Please stay safe! We’ll resume our First Friday Nocturnal Adoration in February.... Continue Reading
It is a long-held Catholic tradition to bless one’s home on (or near) the celebration of the Epiphany by using chalk to write a special inscription above the home’s entrance. We will have kits with blessed chalk at the St. Francis Xavier Church entrances at all Masses the weekend... Continue Reading
Feeling a little over indulgent after all the holiday festivities? Does it feel time to re-order your faith and life balance? Join us for Magnify90, a women’s program that begins Jan. 20 (the 90 days before Easter) and focuses on bringing virtue and discipline back into our... Continue Reading
St. Francis Xavier Parish will present “Illuminare” by Elaine Hagenberg, as part of our annual Feast Day Concert, at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 24. The program is free of charge and open to the public. “Illuminare” is an extended work scored for chorus and... Continue Reading
New to the area, or to St. Francis Xavier Parish? We'd love to meet you! Stop by the parish office to pick up your welcome packet, and take a tour of the campus if you'd like! Registering puts you into our database so we can respond more promptly to your needs. It also adds you to the mailing list for our parish newsletter, makes you "official" for those times that you want to be a godparent or confirmation sponsor, and ensures you can get tax deductions for your donations. More importantly, it makes you an official part of our family! We're so glad you're here!
For more information, please call our office: 330-725-4968.
Our Mission
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Parish
St. Francis Xavier Parish extends a hand of welcome to all as companions on the journey of faith. We are a Catholic community where diversity, acceptance and participation lead us on our lifelong journey of spiritual growth.
As Christ’s Eucharistic family, the living presence of the Holy Spirit fires us to embrace our baptismal promises. Vibrant celebrations and faith filled parishioners are central to the communal expression of our love for God and God’s love for us.
Our educational programs provide for spiritual growth in a friendly, open atmosphere to further develop our minds and souls.
Opportunities for ministry abound as we live the Gospel through the contribution of our time, talent, and treasure.
We are all challenged to “Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord,” as we are called to share all that we receive.